XMM - определение. Что такое XMM
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Что (кто) такое XMM - определение

XMM (disambiguation)

eXtended Memory Manager (Reference: DOS, LIM)
XMM Cluster Survey         
XMM Cluster Survey (XCS)
The XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) is a serendipitous X-ray galaxy cluster survey being conducted using archival data taken by ESA’s XMM-Newton satellite. Galaxy clusters trace the large scale structure of the universe, and their number density evolution with redshift provides a way to measure cosmological parameters, independent of cosmic microwave background experiments or supernovae cosmology projects.




XMM may refer to:

  • XMM-Newton (X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission), a space telescope
  • XMM, registers of x86 microprocessors with Streaming SIMD Extensions
  • Extended memory manager, in the Extended Memory Specification
  • Intel XMM modems, in mobile devices
Примеры употребления для XMM
1. "This is the highly anticipated complement to NASA‘s Chandra X–ray Observatory and Europe‘s XMM–Newton.
2. The highly anticipated Suzaku mission complements NASA‘s Chandra X–ray Observatory and the European Space Agency‘s XMM–Newton mission.
3. To do this, they used the X–ray capabilities of NASA‘s Chandra X–ray Observatory and the European Space Agency‘s XMM–Newton Observatory.
4. The findings appear to contradict results by the European Space Agency‘s XMM–Newton Observatory, which this week found evidence of increased water in the comet‘s emissions after the impact.
5. The findings appear to contradict results by the European Space Agency‘s XMM–Newton Observatory, which last week found evidence of increased water in the comet‘s emissions after the impact.